Apr 292012

Exporting data from WordPress in “WordPress format” (WXR) allows you to locally save an XML file with your blog’s data.  Upon trying to import that file, from “Tools” -> “Import” -> “WordPress” menu option, however, you are currently prompted for FTP server info during the plugin’s installation.  If you would like to upload the XML file directly, without an FTP server in the middle, the solution is to be found here, namely:

  • Browse to the WordPress Importer plugin manually.
  • Save the ZIP file.
  • Unzip its contents to the wp-content/plugins directory within your WordPress installation.

After ensuring that your permissions are correct (which is to say, they probably shouldn’t deviate too drastically from the permissions on your other WordPress files), browse over to “Tools” -> “Import” -> “WordPress” again, and you should see a prompt to upload your file and continue.  From there, you should be set!

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